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Dr. Tran's

New Paradigm Holistic Healing™

A New Genre of conscious based multi-disciplinary energy healing science and practice for Modern Spiritual Integration™ across industries for holistic healing, regeneration, transformation, and longevity in the new phase of spiritual and human evolution.


New Paradigm Holistic Healing Educational Series for B2C, B2B, B2G sectors.


Energy Healing work for spiritual seekers and energy healers as well as industry professionals. Humanitarian programs available for non-profit and charitable organizations.



Private 1 on 1 or Group Coaching, Consulting or Healing Session.


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Understand the root cause of problems and misconceptions of the old paradigm and why a New Paradigm is needed to transform destiny.

Overview of New Paradigm Holistic Healing for integrating spiritual energy healing science and applications across disciplines for transformations across industries to relief human sufferings and solve the problems of Birth, Aging, Sickness, and Death and restore the health of planet Earth.

  • Discover a new frontier of Spiritual Energy Healing Science.

  • Understand why spiritual energy healing is the root of all healing.

  • Uncover the 3 major secrets of healing for longevity of life.

  • Overview of New Paradigm Holistic Healing Evolutionary Framework for Modern Spiritual Integration across industries.

  • Learn the levels and phases of healing, regeneration, and transformations in the new phase of human evolution.

  • Energy Healing Courses & Programs

    Discover a multidisciplinary new science that unifies spirituality and science for Modern Spiritual Integration™ in all aspects of life and New Paradigm Holistic Healing across industries™. 

    As a new genre, the HUEnergy™ educational programs provide theory, methods, and modality to harness and apply the Infinite Energy of the Universe, the Energy of Creator/God, in raising the energy frequency vibrations of the Human Energy System for elevating consciousness to awaken the divine essence, purpose, and mission of humanity in the spiritual aspects, and in enhancing the energetic state in all aspects of life, including humans, plants, animals, all living creatures, and the Earth environment, for collective ascension in the scientific aspects.

  • Discover the lost secret of the Meridian of God to unify spirituality and science, as well as Eastern and Western energy healing science for holistic consciousness and healing.

  • Activate the Meridian of God to be in resonance with the Infinite Energy of the Universe for attaining Energetic Divine Union with God/Creator.

  • Unfold Divine Human Potentials to apply Infinite Energy of the Universe in all aspects of life for Modern Spiritual Integration and New Paradigm Holistic Healing across disciplines.


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    About Dr. Tran

    Dr. Huesan Tran's energy healing careers start in the early 1990's, when found alternative solutions that were missing in conventional medicine and healthcare. Through the journey of energy healing practice and research/study, she discovered the Meridian of God and how it integrates with Eastern and Western medical theory, which became her doctorial work in energy healing science for her degree in complementary medicine in 2000.

    Through the decades, her scope of work in the Meridian of God and energy healing extends beyond spiritual and energy healing to economic, planetary, and world healing to fill the gaps of the disintegrated and fragmented world, and to meet the demands of new humanity. She has invented the New Paradigm Holistic Healing Framework as the basis of Modern Spiritual Integration across disciplines, embracing the B2C, B2B , and other sectors, to transform crisis in all areas to the new civilization of New Paradise on Earth.

    She is the founder and president of New Paradise Foundation, a non-profit organization based in California, USA, formed with the divine vision and mission to unify humanity of all faiths and ethnicities to turn the Divine Vision of New Paradise on Earth into Reality.  She is also establishing a leader and professional network for cultivating R&D for unity of spirituality and science to unfold divine human potentials for solving the ageless problems of Birth Aging, Sickness and Death, and fostering spiritual, humanitarian, and economic development projects as pioneering work of co-creating a New Paradise on Earth.

    New Paradigm Holistic Healing Network

    Industry Collaboration on R&D and Pilot Projects

    Dr. Tran & associates welcome the collaboration on R&D and pilot projects on the theory and applications of spiritual energy healing science across disciplines.

    The New Paradigm Holistic Healing Network involves industry leaders, experts and professionals from various associations, universities, and non-profit organizations, as well as inter-faith groups/communities with shared vision, purpose, and mission.

    Collaborating opportunities may be proposed and/or requested via the contact information provided on this website.


    530 S. Lake Ave. Unit 818, Pasadena, CA 91101 USA

    Phone: 1.818.949.8297

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